Original vs Fake Nike Shoes – Shoes are one of the most important parts of your appearance. Cool shoes make you more attractive and confident. It also protects your feet from sharp objects. Adapting to current developments and user needs. This is marked by the fairly rapid growth of the footwear industry, both domestic and international brands. There is one footwear brand that is famous and very popular throughout the world. That’s Nike.
Original vs Fake Nike Shoes
airmaxnike – Unfortunately, many irresponsible individuals exploit the popularity of this brand from the United States (US) for personal gain. They produce imitations, which are called fakes. Therefore, be careful when buying Nike shoes. To guarantee quality, make sure the shoes you buy are original shoes.
Check prices
If you find Nike shoes at a price that is much cheaper than the official price, don’t be immediately tempted. Because these shoes might be fake. For example, original Nike products are sold for IDR 4 million at the official store. Then you can find a similar product for only IDR 600,000. Most likely, these items are replica shoes modeled after original Nike shoes. Due to the much lower price difference, consumers often purchase counterfeit products. Therefore, you need to be more careful and not be easily tempted by cheap products.
Please check the shoe box
When you buy a genuine Nike product, you usually receive a shoe box as a gift. This is one aspect of checking the authenticity of shoes. Additionally, genuine Nike shoe boxes usually have a sturdy design and include other attributes such as logos and barcodes. Nowadays, fake Nike shoes are often sold without boxes. However, there are also fake Nike shoes that are sold in their original packaging. But the difference between real and fake is still clear. Fake shoe boxes are made from flimsy materials and are easily damaged. The barcode attribute on the shoe box also appears blurry.
Pay attention to the logo and shoe stitching.
Apart from packaging, the quality of the stitching and logos on the shoes must also be considered. At first glance, genuine and fake Nike shoes look the same. However, if you look closely, there are striking differences between the two shoes. The logo and stitching on genuine Nike shoes have gone through a quality control process so they look clean, symmetrical and almost perfect. On the other hand, fake products usually have asymmetrical logos on several sides.
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Pay attention to the detailed label on the shoe box.
If you look closely, you will see the Nike shoe box has small letters on one side with a barcode on it. This label is a detailed label that contains complete information about the product it contains. With this label, you can guarantee the authenticity of your Nike shoes. Information on the label includes shoe size, color, materials used, country of manufacture, shoe care instructions, barcode, and storage unit number (SKU). . Please note that the SKU number on the label must match the SKU number on the shoes. If the label and SKU number of the shoes are different, it could be that the Nike shoes you bought are fake. Additionally, fake Nike shoes usually have unclear or barely legible label and barcode details.
Check the rubber soles of your shoes
One of the most important parts of shoes is the rubber sole. Please read this section in detail before purchasing Nike shoes. The rubber sole used in original Nike shoes usually has a uniform, clean and very soft texture. On the other hand, imitation rubber soles usually have a rough texture and have small spots here and there. So before buying, make sure to take a closer look and touch the rubber sole to ensure the authenticity of your Nike shoes.
Pay attention to the quality of the rope
Shoes Almost all Nike shoes have laces. Genuine Nike bracelets have a soft, durable and hair-free texture. On the other hand, fake Nike laces are rough and stiff and can easily be damaged. Apart from that, the rope fibers break easily and look fuzzy.
Let’s check the shoe release date. Nike is a brand that always offers new variations. Every time Nike wants to release a new variation, they give a hint or announcement as to when the shoe will be released to the public. If you see any type of Nike shoe being sold before its launch date, you can be sure that the shoe is a replica product. Therefore, to get these original Nike shoes, you have to patiently wait for the official release date that has been set.
look at the color of the shoes
You can clearly differentiate between real and fake Nike shoes by their color. Original Nike shoes usually have a slightly darker or darker color saturation due to the use of suede. Fake Nike shoes are often designed with colors that attract attention because they are made from synthetic leather which makes the color of the shoes look brighter. Once you know how to differentiate between real and fake Nike shoes, you just have to choose shoes based on the health of your feet.
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1. Stick to basic shapes
The first tip for choosing shoes for healthy feet is to pay attention to their basic shape. Keep your feet comfortable by paying attention to whether the soles of your shoes are able to support the arches of your feet. This reduces the tendency of knee pain, lower back pain, and lower back pain.
2. Please measure your feet before buying shoes. This method is important because the size of your feet can change as you get older. In addition, the size of the left and right feet is maybe different. In this case, choose shoes that fit the largest size of your feet.
3. If you often wear socks, remember to bring regular socks and try them on with the shoes you bought while wearing socks.
4. Use rules of thumb
Leave a distance of one thumb’s width between the front of your thumb and the toe of the shoe. According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, make sure all your toes can move freely when wearing shoes. This not only applies to the front of the shoe, but also to the heel. Healthy shoes that are suitable for your feet have heels that fit well and don’t slip when walking.